Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Ever Wonder About Those Photos of Children in Sailor Suits?

Dressing little boys as miniature sailors has been popular ever since a 4-year-old Prince Albert appeared in a child’s version of the uniforms worn by the crew of the Royal Yacht in 1846. By the 1870s, parents were dressing both boys and girls in sailor outfits.

Cartoon characters such as Popeye and Donald Duck, who wore sailor suits, gave the fashion another boost
in the 1930s.

In the above photo, a young Raymond Lamont Pierce (1923-1981), son of Mobile County farming parents, poses for his portrait in his fashionable sailor suit and shoes. The photo is probably from the early 1930s.

The photo and clothing are a sign that although Raymond's parents N.B. "Bonie" Pierce and his wife Julia L. Moody may have had to struggle to raise their family, it was a successful struggle in many ways.

Do you have photos of boys and girls from your family's history wearing sailor suits? Does the fashion reveal anything about your ancestors?

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  1. Hi Ralph,

    What a beautiful, well-constructed website you have!

    Renegade South

  2. Thanks, Vikki.

    I appreciate the kind words.

